This project, ‘fritz3’, is a joint project of Avery Katko and Omar Rizwan.
We’re working out an alternate history with this point of divergence: Frederick III, German Emperor lives into his 80s like his predecessor and successor, ruling Germany into the 1920s. His more liberal and Anglophilic policy (compared to our William II) averts what we’d call World War I, and changes to the world (not just the starting point in old western Europe!) spiral out from there.
This site is meant as a Wikipedia equivalent written in-character for our alternate universe. We also have an outline of our overall timeline and ongoing research.
So far, we’ve mainly developed the geopolitical situation. Particularly interesting are the World War (the only World War, here), and post-war effects in the Middle East and East Asia, where the Ottoman and Japanese empires remain intact (or at least, stick around longer than in real history).
We have special interests in technology (e.g. computer programming and user interfaces), languages and writing systems (e.g. the Ottoman language without Atatürk’s Latin alphabet, Chinese with multiple states in historical China and without pinyin), and demographics (e.g. Zionism in Ottoman Palestine, immigration to the U.S. without World War I).